Saturday, May 31, 2008













LucyD said...

That's the spirit! I'm glad you realized what is it that you really want in life and are sure and determined about it. Your heart is your compass, if thinking about your dreams and plans makes you happy and excited, it can only mean that you are on the right track. Don't be discouraged by what others say. I'll always be here to cheer you on. I believe in you and what you can achieve, as long as you keep believing, and is focus, 那一天一定会到来! :)

当我和世界不一样, 那就让我不一样

Thanks for sharing your dreams with us ...

Anonymous said...

We are not splashing cold water on you la (yes, i can actually read Mandarin...and understand what you said too!).

We just can't see the "link" between your current pursuit and your dream. It is good to have a goal and you are passionate about achieving it, just that time is not on our side. Pursue it when you are still young because the society will be less forgiving when you become much older.

That said, if you are determined, anything is possible. I wish you the best in achieving your dream!

雙下巴 said...

BG, I understand your approach, and I have said that in my blog too. Pls don't think that I'm feeling angry, I'm actually just disappointed that I'm not being understood.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, I have made up my mind, and I will go for what I want to do regardless what it may come.

BTW, thanks for reading my blog! I'm so glad that there are people reading it.

雙下巴 said...

Thanks Ashin!

I know you guys will be there, just like I will be there for you!

I'm feeling exactly like wat you will see on my blog description - 就算是整个世界把我抛弃,而至少快乐伤心我自己决定,所以我说就让他去,我知道潮落之后一定有潮起,有什么了不起!

Anonymous said...

yes m.s., 不怕 不哭 不孤單 等待出頭天, im sure u can make it.

那一日 咱可以出頭天 人生不怕風浪 只怕自己沒志氣 - mus hv 志氣, 一定会有出頭天!

LucyD said...

I love MD! They are such inspiration ♥♥♥♥♥! MS u are starting to quote too, looks like it is contagious :)

雙下巴 said...

Monster, thanks for believing in me! We will 相依为命 in the future, think the 3 of us compliment each other in some ways or so, I'm sure we can achieve something together!

BTW, it was such a coincidence leh! I posted those lyrics a few days before and it somehow tells exactly how i was feeling days after.

Si bey 邪门!Hahaha...