Wednesday, June 27, 2007


有一种牵引 温柔感性
看似安静 却强而有力
一瞬间 拉近了距离
深情 紧紧相依

有一种浪漫 优柔慵懒
看似傲慢 却教人向往
一转眼 附满了藤蔓
痴情 紧紧依攀

凝固的心 结成山一般的形状
你的浪漫牵引 将心融化
心 竟不反抗 任由往事启航
沿着河床 飘向不知名的远方


这辈子 就只要这样


Tuesday, June 26, 2007












Friday, June 22, 2007



是什么让你一会儿冷冷的、远远的,一会儿又暖暖的、近近的?是我让你的情绪不停地起伏吗?还是你用闪烁不定来掩饰你的不敢面对?又或许是我一直以为着的以为,对你而言都不是那么一回事? 如果真是这样,为何你的眼神还能那么温柔、那么殷切?为何你的笑容还是如此灿烂、如此阳光?为何你的问候总是那么适时、那么贴心?





Thursday, June 21, 2007

Archipelago @ Circular Road

This was written on 29 May 07. It was a Beautiful Day because I was feeling happy...

~ In the morning, M asked me whether I would like to go for a dinner with him. He has yet to buy me the treat that he had promised after he lost a bet to me when Liverpool failed him in the match with AC Milan.

Well, since it's supposed to be a free meal, so, OF COURSE someone as cheapo as me will definitely say yes in case he went back on his words! lolz..

We had a supposedly "light" dinner at Soup Spoon @ Raffles Place, but the serving of my Mushroom Soup is really too much for me. And to think that, on top of the soup, M ordered a sandwich for me! If I'm not wrong, it was a Wasabi Roast Beef Sandwich. Although I can't finish them all, I have to say that both the soup and the sandwich are yummy! And the best of all, it costs less than S$10.00 for the whole set as mentioned above, plus a glass of Ice Lemon Tea, a small piece of bread and a piece of Tops chocolate!

It was still early after the dinner, so M suggested to chill out somewhere. He remembers that a friend brought him to a pub that serves Special Brew - Archipelago @ Circular Road. It was just somewhere nearby, so we decided to try that place out.

Here's a little background info:

Archipelago was a setup by Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) which was first established in Singapore in 1931. Asia Pacific Breweries (APB) was called Archipelago Brewery Company back in the 1930s, and was set up by the German brewery Beck’s.

According to Mr Fal Allen, the Brew Master of Archipelago in his blog - :

"In 1939 the brewery was seized by the British government as enemy property. In 1941 the brewery was sold to Malayan Breweries , which today is Asia Pacific Breweries.Capturing the romance, adventure and craftsmanship of the original brewery, the new Archipelago Brewery Company will brew bespoke craft beers combining the best of the beer brewing traditions from the west, with the flavours and spices of the east. The brew master will creating unique and flavourful beers to match perfectly with the lifestyle, weather and food of the Malayan Archipelago."

The Brews in Archipelago are somewhat unusual as compared to what that we usually have. We asked the waitress at the pub for a sample of all the 6 different Brews, namely Archipelago Traveller’s Wheat, Archipelago Straits Pale, Archipelago Trader's Brown Ale, Archipelago Java and... oops, I forgot what are the 5th & 6th. [Hey, dun be mad! I'm just blur... as always!]

Anyway, I decided to get Archipelago Traveller’s Wheat after the trial.

"Archipelago Traveller’s Wheat- This wheat beer is refreshing, with a distinctive character and flavour. Working in the tradition of Belgian craft brewing, Archipelago’s Brewmaster has introduced some unique, Asian touches to this beer. He blended in Assam(tamarind)and lemon grass, with a hint of ginger, coriander and Chinese orange peel. All this creates a beer of unique refreshing character.

Archipelago Traveller’s Wheat is enjoyed when paired with any food that is sour and spicy, especially those that contain Asian spices. Perfect with Assam Fish, Thai Vermicelli, Salads, Mussels, Top Shell, or Pepper Crab."

We got to know from a very friendly waitress who wore a beautiful smile at the pub that the Traveller's Wheat is the most asked-for in Archipelago. And yes, I think she's right to say that.

It is good, really.

M had the Archipelago Straits Pale - "This Beer is a real thirst quencher, crisp, clean and satisfying, making it a perfect choice for the tropical weather in Singapore. It is brewed in the American Pale Ale style with imported American hops for a refreshing crisp flavour with a smooth, round body that is enjoyable anytime.Archipelago Straits Pale perfectly complements dishes such as Thai Green Curry, sea food, shell fish, Indian curries, Tandooris."

It costs about S$15.00 for a pint, a little expensive but worth a try.

M & I talked a lot, and I was a little surprised about it myself. Afterall, it was the first time we went out together, and he definitely wasn't as chatty as he was at the pub when he was at work.

A great night out.. most probably becos' the dinner and drinks are FREE OF CHARGE! *wink*

*wave goodbye*



不敢想象,如果真是那么一回事的话,我会如何, 又该如何反应?



其实今天没啥心情说故事,但是看到自己的布落格里什么都没有,实在太逊,于是就上来随便写个两句咯。呵呵呵呵。。。 总之以后会常来写写说说的,还请大家多多捧场!

Okie... that's all for now...!! Bye!